من أنا

Assalam Alaikum I’m M.k the owner of the M.k Design .You will get more information about it through the blog. I think that what makes me special and different is my way in doing the things I made or write from my mind and doing them by my hands. Through my design, I like to use drawings and writing with some taste and inspiration. I’m sure that you will enjoy being in this blog. See you around through M.k Design blog. السلام عليكم أنا إم. كاي مدير شركة إم كاي ديزاين .وسوف تتعرفون أكثر عنها من خلال المدونة. تتميز تصاميمي بجمعها بين الكتابة ، والرسم والاختيار الإلهامي الذي يتناسب مع كافة الأذواق والأعمار.بإمكانك رؤية تصاميمي وكتاباتي عبر مدونتي (فكونوا دوما بالجوار).

الجمعة، 31 ديسمبر 2010

Anyone here avoid looking in MIRROR, because you don't like what you see????

Does anyone here avoid looking in the mirror because it makes them feel like a failure???...

Some answers ^^

-no soz. I like looking in the MIRROR.

-It goes both ways. There are times I can't bear to see my reflection, and other times I can't pull myself away from the mirror. Sometimes I like what I see, other times I despise myself for being so ugly. But I am not ugly. I am not ugly. Repeat after me, I AM NOT UGLY. I AM NOT A FAILURE.

-i don't like mirrors not because it makes me feel like a failure but because i scare myself sometimes....

-I stopped looking about 10 years ago...!

-I only look in the mirror to check my hair's ok, other than that - no. I hate the way I look at times and therefore avoid mirrors.

-I've never liked myself very much and I only look in the mirror to put my makeup on in the morning it's the only way that I dare go out, I always think that people are looking at me because I'm so ugly.

-It's a wonder I don't look in the mirror more, I'm really handsome....

-my mirrors are neck high so that i can see my tie's straight but that's it

-All my mirrors have broken, so I use a pool of water.

- yeah! Sometimes i feel that bad i wanna punch the mirror and break it. But doesn't change a thing unfortunately.

-I don't like looking at myself in photographs, but at least I get in them, unlike some people I know.

-As for the mirror it depends if its full length or not!! But mostly no I don't mind, I know I've a big bum in these clothes, so I don't expect anyone to tell me I don't (and I'm female!!)

-But if you feel your a failure then try look in the mirror and see yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you, and try to see what they see!!! Your only a failure the day you give up! And by who's standards are you judging yourself?

-no i am forever looking in the mirrors as i am a driving instructor ha ha

-U just have an underlying inferiority complex, u need some people to correct this faulty thinking, maybe a friend or a therapist?

-Yes, but I don't think i'm a failure, I just don't think i'm very nice to look at lol.

-i used to only look in the mirror to see if my slip was showing etc. i didn't like to look at myself because i felt ugly and worthless. i didn't even want people to look at me. i've worked very long(20+yrs) and hard with mental health people to finally get over how i felt about looking in the mirror. maybe you need some help too. it's ok to actually like yourself and to see yourself in the mirror. even if you can only do it on the phone.

-When I was young, I was all cute and stuff, and I could spend lots of time admiring Nature's talent. Now, not so much, I have finally adjusted to the effects of time, and I see my character rather than the beauty of youth. I prefer the former, especially because there's a good chance you'll lose the latter. Mirrors? They're for shaving and for practicing your smiles.

-Each morning I look in the mirror in the hope I don't cringe at something I've done the previous day, thankfully most mornings I smile.

-Yeah all the time it makes me flinch just to look at me i hate myself so much


-With me it is the ageing process that is hard to take. At the risk of conceit, I was a very good looking young person and now I am approaching my mid 50s.. I just do my best, dress smart, have my hair done and wear a bit of makeup. One thing is for sure, in another 10 years I will look back at my 50s and think I was looking a lot better then than now, if you see what I mean.

-Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it is what is inside a person that makes for inner (and real) beauty. Be happy.......

-yes, i don't even know who that person is that I'm looking at in the mirror!

-I used to avoid mirrors at all costs cos I absolutely hated myself. Sounds like you've got some self-esteem issues so perhaps it might be an idea to talk to your GP who could refer you to a therapist?

Try to comment too>>>>!

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