من أنا
- M.k Design
- Assalam Alaikum I’m M.k the owner of the M.k Design .You will get more information about it through the blog. I think that what makes me special and different is my way in doing the things I made or write from my mind and doing them by my hands. Through my design, I like to use drawings and writing with some taste and inspiration. I’m sure that you will enjoy being in this blog. See you around through M.k Design blog. السلام عليكم أنا إم. كاي مدير شركة إم كاي ديزاين .وسوف تتعرفون أكثر عنها من خلال المدونة. تتميز تصاميمي بجمعها بين الكتابة ، والرسم والاختيار الإلهامي الذي يتناسب مع كافة الأذواق والأعمار.بإمكانك رؤية تصاميمي وكتاباتي عبر مدونتي (فكونوا دوما بالجوار).
السبت، 21 أغسطس 2010
هي صدمه ...نعم هناك انواع من الصدمات خارجيه و داخليه
كم صدمةً آلامتك و أبقتك صامتةً لمدة .....
و لكن قوة ايمانك بالله و من بعدها بصيص الأمل بأن الحياة مهما كانت مظلمة
و كئيبه ... بعض الضوء بها يعطيه بداية اشراقة
و حياة تبدأ بصفحة جديده .... أليس كذلك!
فكوني انسانه حالمه عندما تحتاجين لذلك و واقعيه أيضا
عند احتياجك للواقع ^^
.............................. ...................
صورة تحكي واقع في عالم جديد دخل الى هذا العالم غريبا و جديدا على المقيمين عليها
حيث يبدون اناسا لطيفين
و لكن لا يزالون متخوفين و حذرين مع الشخص الجديد
احب الغريب هذا المكان و يريد ان يعيش معهم و لكن
كان حائرا اذا كانوا يرغبون به كمقيم او يودون منه الرحيل بأقرب وقت ممكن
.............................. .............................. .
هذه بداية القصه و بيدكم أن تكملوها
ترى لهم خطوات و اثار وطأة مضيئة
و لكن حقيقة ً ... فلقد رأيت الكثير من الأناس الحالمين يجوبون العالم.. بأثر ايجابي و طابع جذاب و مؤثر حتى بعدة كلمات عفوية يغيرون بها عالم شخص ضائع أو بائس إلى حياة مليئة بالسعادة
فالابتسامة منهم تحيي قلوبا و ترسم ابتسامات عديدة في عالمه
فكونوا مبتسمات لأنكن أيضا حالمات
و تضئن حياة الآخرين
الثلاثاء، 17 أغسطس 2010
الاثنين، 9 أغسطس 2010
For fun, I started making a list of the aspects of everyday life that are geared towards right-handed people. Lefties will probably recognize most things on this list; righties might find some of these things surprising. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading it! :-)
- We have to use special "lefty" scissors.
- We write from left to right, so that our hand smears the fresh ink across the page. (Righties' hands do not touch the ink until they get to the next line, so the ink has a few seconds to dry.)
- If you grab a coffee mug with your left hand, the picture will be facing away from you. (Righties get to look at the picture while they drink.)
- Lefties have little choice where they get to sit at large dinners, lest they bump elbows with a righty.
- Lefties have little choice where they get to sit in lecture halls. Often the only left-handed desks are on the end of the row. Lefties can't sit in the middle, unless they want to have a hard time writing.
- When writing in a 3-ring binder (or spiral notebook), the rings get in the way of our hands when we write on the front side of the paper. (Righties have this problem when writing on the back of the paper, but this is easier to avoid.)
- Many "commonly" used keys are on the right side of the keyboard. For example: backspace, enter, arrows, and numeric keypad.
- Computer mice are generally set up so that the "main" button is the index finger for righties. If you want to use the mouse in your left hand, the "main" button is under your less-adept ring finger.
- Bike gears are on the right side of the bike. This means that if you carry the bike on your right shoulder, the gears face outward. If you put the bike on your left shoulder, you'll get grease stains all over your clothes.
- Bike helmet chin-strap buckles are easier to release with your right hand.
- Hand-held jigsaws blow sawdust off to the right side. If you hold it in your right hand, it blows the sawdust away from you. If you hold it in your left hand, it blows sawdust in your face.
- Drill presses have the handle (to lower the drill) on the right side. It's impossible (and dangerous!) to try to hold the wood with your right hand while controlling the drill with your left hand.
- Lefties have to get their own "left-handed" boomerangs, golf clubs, hockey sticks, and baseball mitts. This means we usually can't borrow our friends' equipment.
- Car stick-shifts are on the right side of the driver. Less frequently used controls, such as headlight switches, are on the left side.
- High-end headphones (with only one cord) have the cord on the left side. The cord gets in the way more for left-handed writers.
- BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) entrance/exit gates take the ticket on your right side.
- When pants only have one back pocket, it's always on the right side. (Lefties have to fumble around for their wallet with their "bad" hand.)
- Mini propane camping stoves are designed so that you can hold it with your left hand and pump up air pressure with your right, even if the stove is still hot. It's hard to hold it with your right hand and pump with your left hand without burning your right hand.
- Piano keys are arranged so the more rapidly-changing higher notes are played with the right hand. For beginners, the base clef (left hand) is often optional.
- Camera shutter buttons are often on the right. Pressing the button with our less-dextrous hand makes it harder for lefties to hold the camera steady while taking a picture.
- "Ergonomic" chairs usually have the controls on the right side.
- When firing an automatic or semi-automatic rifle, the ejection port blows casings past your face. (Courtesy of Chip Anderson )
- When holding a pen or pencil in your right hand, you can read any lettering on it, but in your left hand, the lettering is upside-down. (Thanks, Dottie!)
الأحد، 8 أغسطس 2010
لدي كل الطموح أن هناك من يود التعليق في مدونتي ..... ^^
السبت، 7 أغسطس 2010
لدي كل الطموح أن هناك من يود التعليق في مدونتي ..... ^^
الاثنين، 2 أغسطس 2010
Lefthandedness And Intelligence
Some researchers claim that we are more intelligent and eloquent that our right-handed counterparts. In tests conducted by Dr. Alan Searleman from St Lawrence University in New York, he found that left-handers can be considerably more intellectually gifted.
There were more left-handed people with IQs over 140 than right-handed people - which is the "genius" bracket. This is perhaps why there are more "lefties" in creative professions - such as music, art and writing - and more left-handed astronauts and leaders than would be expected.
Now here's the story of my life,
I've had fun but lots of strife,
For I was born left-handed, but I'm proud
To be one of the elite, right-handers we can beat
We're the 10% that stand out from the crowd!
But as a little lad, oh the problems that I had
Winding clockwork toys was just a mystery
Tying laces was a pain, couldn't get it in my brain
Everything was back-to-front it seemed to me
We're the Cack-Handed Kings, we're the LEFTIES
You right-handers just haven't got a clue
'Cos if you'd been through what we've been through
Then maybe you would feel superior too!
At 5 I started school where I was treated like a fool
Being left-handed I stood out from the pack
And learning how to write was not a struggle - more a fight
For I had my left hand tied behind my back
"Now get it in your head" the sympathetic teacher said
"You use the right and not the Devil's side"
Those supposed men of vision caused me pain and such derision
Is it any wonder often times I cried?
We're the Gibble Fisted Friends, we're the LEFTIES (repeat chorus)
Time then came when my voice dropped
And my face was one big spot
But I was glad to see my teenage years arrive,
Because I use my left, I was different from the rest
And the girls saw me as something of a prize!
I learned some handy tricks in the back row of the flicks
It used to drive my girlfriends all berserk
For their eyes would keep apace of my right hand - just in case
And they never saw my left one go to work!
We're the Southpawed Princes, we're the LEFTIES (repeat chorus)
Well I'm married now, worst luck
But my wife has given up
Asking me to help with chores like peeling spuds,
Or trying to cut the bread, I'll get a 4 x 2" wedge
Lose three fingertips and half a pint of blood
I would love to be a dad, but we've hit a little snag
If you can help please tell us what to do
The problem simply said, is that I'm a left-hand thread
But my wife you see, now she's a right-hand .....OH, YES WE'RE THE
Scrummy-Handed Heroes, we're the LEFTIES (repeat chorus)
Now we reach today, where you stand and watch me play
And yes, I play right-handed it is true
For the very simple fact is that I've had to adapt
Something all we southpaws have to try and do
We have trouble tying ties, writing cheques out, using knives
and scissors made for use in your right hand
And when it comes to sport once again we are left short
In hockey and in polo we are banned
We're the Cuddy Wifter Winners, we're the LEFTIES (repeat chorus)
Now I've finished off my song and as you move along
Please bear in mind the things I've had to say
And please show some respect for your friends who use the left
Thanks for listening to me this Left-Handers Day.
Copyright: Ian Radburn, 2004
Left Handed Fascinating Facts
Most left-handers draw figures facing to the right.
There is a high tendency in twins for one to be left-handed
Stuttering and dyslexia occur more often in left-handers (particularly if they are forced to change their writing hand as a child, like King of England George VI).
Left-handers adjust more readily to seeing underwater.
Left-handers excel particularly in tennis, baseball, swimming and fencing
Left-handers usually reach puberty 4 to 5 months after right-handers
4 of the 5 original designers of the Macintosh computer were left-handed
1 in 4 Apollo astronauts were left-handed - 250% more than the normal level.
Left-handers are generally more intelligent, better looking, imaginative and multi-talented than right handers - based on discussions among members of the Left-Handers Club! :)
Left Handed Language
Left-handers have been linguistically abused for centuries! There are hundreds of (mainly abusive) terms for left-handers.
There are a lot of sayings where "right" is good and "left" is bad e.g., "being in your right mind", "the divine right of kings", it will be all right in the end" as against being "left out", having "two left-feet", "a left-handed compliment" (one that is not really meant!).
Even the word for "left-handed" in many languages is very negative:
Language | Word for Left Handed | Meaning |
Greek | Skaios | Ill-omened, awkward |
Italian | Mancino | Crooked, maimed |
Spanish | Zurdo | Reverse - No Ser Zurdo = Clever |
French | Gauche | Awkward, clumsy |
Dutch | Linkshandig | To "have two left hands" means to be clumsy. |
German | Links, Linkisch | Awkward |
Norwegian | Kjevhendt | Crooked-handed (also advised to us as keivhent, left-hander) |
Swedish | Vänsterhänt | |
Australia | Mollie Dooker | Something to do with having fists like a girl |
Portuguese | Canhoto | |
Latin | Sinister Dexter | On the left-hand side On the right hand side (dextrous) |
If you have any more words to add to this list or can help further with origins / meanings / alternatives, please add a comment below and we will pick it up.
للذي يكتب باليد اليسرى .......
انظروا الى الوضعيه انحناءو الورقه مائله بزاوية 90 درجة فكرو بالأمر لو أن الطاولة صغيره و نفس طاولة الجامعة
ذات الطاوله اليمنى كيف ستكون جلسة هذا الشخص؟؟؟؟؟
وهذه الطريقه تحتاج مساحه أكبر ووضع كلتا اليدين على الطاولة و تقريب الرأس الى الطاولة أكثر كإنحناء نحو الأمام
و هذه الوضعيه لا يستطيع الشخص أن يكتب مدة طويله و الا سيشعر بالألم الشديد يبدأ من مفاصل الأسابع الى الكوع بعد مرور حوالي ساعة كاملة
و هذه أريح وضعية للجسم حيث أن الشخص يجلس مستريحا مستندا على ظهر الكرسي مميلا الورقه و تكون اليد اليسرى مرتاحه حيث يستطيع أن يكتب الشخص لأطول فترة ممكنه
كم أتمنى من كل قلبي توفير طاولات كبيره في المدارس و المعاهد و الجامعات و الكليات لهم أو على الأقل توفير طاولات
لليد اليسرى فهم مهمين مثل من يكتب باليد اليمنى ^^
يسمون الغرب الشخص الأعسر ب Left handed او يلقوبنه بللفتي Lefty
و في يوم سنوي يعطونهم الفرصه باظهار مو اهبهم و ابداعاتهم و ينقلونه نقلا حيا و مباشرا بالأخبار
و يعرض عليهم وظائف و تدريب مجاني و علاوات و ترقيات الى اخره من دعم مادي و نفسي
و معنوي ..... و هل تتوقعون هذا بدون سبب بالطبع لا
لأن العديد من الدراسات ان من يتبناهم لا يندم أبدا على ذلك و لأن معظم المشاهير و العلماء و المبدعين عبر يكتبون باليسار
شيء رائع اليس كذلك^^